Category: Solution

Manufacturing Marketing Starts With Listening To Your Customers

In late 2015, the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI) surveyed 100 executives on the buying factors that mattered most to customers and how manufacturers came through for those buyers. The survey showed that the top-performing manufacturing companies tended to shine in two areas:

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5 Ways to Generate Leads With Your Blog

Your company’s blog can do a lot of different things. You can use it to showcase the range of products or services you provide or share company news. But does your blog generate leads? Here are five ways to make sure the content you create for your blog is fueling your lead-generation machine.

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Using Content Marketing to Get Inside the Minds of Engineers

What kind of marketing content do engineers want? That’s one of the questions the UBM Mind of the Engineer survey asks each year. And over the years, the survey has shown more and more engineers are seeking out information from digital sources, whether it’s through social networking, webinars or blogs. These results show that engineers […]

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The Power of Persona Research

As we write this, the new Star Wars movie is ruling the box office. Among the charms of The Force Awakens is the way it lets fans reconnect with characters they fell in love with decades ago. Why are we mentioning this? Because the movie is a billion-dollar testament to the power of knowing your […]

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Manufacturing Marketing Trends

What will 2016 be like? Well, we’ll elect a new president. The Super Bowl will turn 50, and Nirvana’s Nevermind album will have its 25th birthday. But all of those things will be on the news. So let’s talk about some manufacturing marketing trends for 2016, particularly where e-commerce is concerned. Here are five predictions for the new year from, […]

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What’s Changing the Marketing Landscape?

It’s nice to imagine having a “Don Draper moment.” Don is the main character on the TV series Mad Men, playing a 1960s advertising exec. For all his (many) faults, he’s adept at coming up with some ingenious ad ideas, often when campaigns were on the brink of falling apart. So while it’s neat to […]

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Posted In: Common Questions

Make Connections at the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce Business Card Exchange

Networking online means more than just connecting with a bunch of people on LinkedIn or Twitter. And networking offline goes beyond just handing out business cards. There’s an art to both kinds of networking, and some of the tricks for connecting with prospects in person will also help you connect on the web. Here are […]

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An Introduction to Creating Blogs and Great Content

Out of all the search engine optimization (SEO) services an agency can suggest, creating a blog still ranks as a great option. As anyone who has spent even minimal time researching SEO may know, content is king—in other words, the type of content you create and the amount of content you provide on your website can […]

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Digital Marketing For Manufacturers

Who is the audience for digital marketing? It’s young people, right? Young consumers with a lot of disposable income, wanting to know about the next big thing. Well, yes. It’s them. But it’s not just them. If you’re a manufacturer, your audience is getting information it wants/needs the same way the audience for most other […]

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Inbound Marketing For A B2B Company In 5 Steps

Even in the years before the term had been officially coined, the tactics of inbound marketing were being used largely by businesses attempting to connect with potential customers. It was, in other words—and has been for some time since—largely a B2C (business to consumer) marketing strategy. It involved educating potential customers about the benefits of […]

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B2B Marketing Agency Backlinks Brand Story Telling Common Questions Competitor Analysis Content Data Analysis Digital Marketing ecommerce Email Marketing General Marketing Goal Setting Growth Driven Design Marketing for Manufacturers SEO Agency Social Media Marketing Agency Solution Uncategorized Video and Photography Web Development Web Site Design Website Redesign Winery Marketing workforce development


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