What Is the Purpose of Your Website?

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Your website is one of the most important tools you can use to grow your business. Most companies, however, have no idea what makes an effective website, or how to position content that will speak to their prospective customers. This short guide will teach you how to reposition your content to be client focused and, in turn, much more effective.
But before you sit down and start typing, ask yourself this one simple question: What is the purpose of my website?

When it comes to creating content, this is far and away the most important question you can ask yourself. The answer should both inform and guide every creative aspect of your website.

Common WRONG Answers
  • Your website is your opportunity to tell customers how great your company is.
  • Your website is your opportunity to tell customers about your great products or services, and why they should buy them.

Correct Answer

  • Your website is your opportunity to help customers solve their problems by showing them how your products or services have been designed to address their needs.

rn Your Thinking Around!
Most people begin their content-planning process by thinking about all the wonderful things they can say about themselves. At IQnection, our rule is to turn that process on its head. Instead of discussing the things you want to talk about, think about the people who will be visiting your website: What do they want to read?
By creating customer-focused content, you’ll be able to present the benefits of your services in a way that potential customers will find useful and helpful. In the process, you’ll gain their trust.
Plan What to Say
1. Start by writing a brief description of your customers. Include details about their core attributes, as well as the challenges or problems that are driving them to your website. We put together a customer survey document to help you get started, and to make sure you’re asking yourself the right questions.

2. Put together a list of all of the pages you’d like to include on your website. Don’t forget to break out each service you offer into its own page. We’ve put together a helpful list of common website pages to get you going in the right direction.

3. Think about all the words or phrases someone might type into a search engine if they were looking for the products or services you offer. Write them down, starting with the most common or most obvious.

4. Finally, use our handy Excel worksheet to organize all your information in one place.


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